Nikitcenko, Victoria2020-10-072020-10-072020НИКИТЧЕНКО, B. Bокальный цикл Mариана Cтырчи на стихи Aлександра Блока: особенности вокального исполнения. Кишинев: AMTAP, 2020. ISMN 979-0-3480-0425-9. ISBN 978-9975-3453-1-6.978-9975-3453-1-6979-0-3480-0425-9 Course notes proposed to your attention are aimed to introduce in the national performing and pedagogical practice some results of scientific analyses of a large-scaled chamber vocal creation written by Moldovan composer Marian Stîrcea on the texts by Russian poet from the beginning of the 20th century Alexander Blok. Despite this vocal-chamber creation was written in the 1980s, at the present time it represents a benefic material for studying and interpretation. Based on the research of musical language elements, combination of word and sound, the author formulates some interpretative recommandations which can be used in the studing process of this piece within the courses dedicated to chamber vocal-repertoire framework – Singing, Lied, Concertmaster art, History of performing art and others. The beneficiaries of these Course notes are Bachelor’, Masters’ and Doctorate’ students of the Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts, specialization: 0215.2 Singing (opera singing) and 0215.1 Instrumental perofmance (piano). These Course notes may be useful to all performers – singers and pianists – in a profound studying the specifics of national chamber-vocal music.ruMarian StîrceaAleksandr Blokcicluri vocaleВОКАЛЬНЫЙ ЦИКЛ МАРИАНА СТЫРЧИ НА СТИХИ АЛЕКСАНДРА БЛОКА: ОСОБЕННОСТИ ВОКАЛЬНОГО ИСПОЛНЕНИЯBook