Lazarev, Ludmila2023-11-082023-11-082023LAZAREV, Ludmila. Curriculum For The Course European Civilization And Cultural Identity. Chișinău: AMTAP, 2023. 21 p. aim of the European Civilization and Cultural Identity course is to provide an analytical perspective on the history and culture of the European continent, the phenomenon of cultural identity and European integration (of fundamental concepts, values, institutions and processes) among undergraduate university students in the field of arts in order to develop critical thinking and awareness of the role of culture in the Europeanization process. The course is aimed at students who have previously completed conceptual courses in the field of social and humanistic sciences, such as philosophy, ethics, sociology, but also the Psychology of Communication discipline: identity in a European context within the Interdisciplinary Module on European Cultural Identityenidentitate culturalăcivilizație europeanăCURRICULUM FOR THE COURSE EUROPEAN CIVILIZATION AND CULTURAL IDENTITYBook