Zubenschi, Mariana2023-11-122023-11-122023ZUBENSCHI, Mariana. Curriculum for the course Psychology of communication: identity in the European context. Chișinău: AMTAP, 2023. 27 p.https://repository.amtap.md/handle/123456789/240The European course of the Republic of Moldova, as well as the connection of the higher education system in the country to the European one, requires understanding and awareness of attitudes and opinions towards oneself and European identity in university environments and an empowerment of young people in the art of communication and interpersonal relations focused on European values of human dignity, equality, freedom, sustainability, integrity, social responsibility, etc., This will contribute to the value orientation of the artistic personality . The course is addressed to students who have previously completed conceptual courses in the field of socio-humanistic sciences, such as philosophy, ethics, where the discipline "THE PSYCHOLOGY OF COMMUNICATION: IDENTITY IN THE EUROPEAN CONTEXT" debuts first within the "Interdisciplinary module on European cultural identity", implemented within the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project TEIDCIPEIenpsihologia comunicăriiidentitate culturalăCURRICULUM FOR THE COURSE THE PSYCHOLOGY OF COMMUNICATION: IDENTITY IN THE EUROPEAN CONTEXTBook