Bunea, Diana2021-02-212021-02-212010Bunea, Diana.Tradiţia lăutărească din R. Moldova: istorie şi contemporaneitate: teze preliminarii. In: RevArt. 2010, nr. 2, pp.25-38. ISSN 1841-11691841-1169https://repository.amtap.md/handle/123456789/126The study treats lautar tradition from Moldova, which is an outstanding musical-cultural phenomenon and a component part of traditional musical culture from Moldova. Nowadays the lautar tradition preserved well in the northern and southern part of Moldova. The research contains references to different aspects of the lautar phenomenon, including bands, lautars’ musical instruments and others. We think that the establishment of lautar tradition’s role and importance, not only as a part of our traditional culture, but also in a much larger cultural-geographical area is one of the priorities of the local ethnomusicology.rotradițiestil interpretativlăutariTRADIȚIA LĂUTĂREASCĂ DIN R. MOLDOVA: ISTORIE ȘI CONTEMPORANEITATE: Teze preliminariiArticle