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Limbajul armonic al sistemului diatonic este o lucrare metodico-didactică, concepută ca un Suport de curs la disciplina Armonia, destinată studenților ciclului I Licență de la programele de studii: Interpretare instrumentală (Instrumente cu taste – Pian, Instrumente orchestrale, Instrumente populare, Instrumente muzică ușoară și jazz), Canto (Canto popular, Canto academic și Canto de estradă și jazz), Dirijare (Dirijare corală) și Muzică.
Lucrarea prezintă temele din cadrul sistemului diatonic al cursului de Armonie. Scopul acestei lucrări este de a veni în ajutorul discipolilor interesați să descopere domeniul Armoniei în muzică. Pornind de la temele elementare, care explică principiile de construire a unui acord, până la tema Secvențele diatonice, lucrarea oferă informațiile necesare care vor ajuta la dezvoltarea abilităților: de a realiza analize armonice, de a interpreta la pian succesiuni de acorduri, precum și de a realiza armonizări ale melodiilor.
The harmonic language of the diatonic system is a methodological-didactic work, designed as a course support at Harmony discipline, intended for the Ist cycle License students from the study programs: Instrumental performance (Key instruments – Piano, Orchestral Instruments, Folk Instruments and Light music and Jazz Instruments), Singing (Popular Singing, Academic Singing and Pop and Jazz Singing), Conducting (Choral conducting) and Music. This paper presents the themes from the diatonic system of Harmony course. The purpose of this work is to come to the aid of the disciples interested in discovering the field of the Harmony in music. Starting with the elementary themes, which explain the principles of building an accord, till the chapter The Diatonic sequences, this work provides the necessary information which will help in developing such skills as: to realize harmonic analyses, to play chord sequences on the piano, also to make harmonisations of melodies.
The harmonic language of the diatonic system is a methodological-didactic work, designed as a course support at Harmony discipline, intended for the Ist cycle License students from the study programs: Instrumental performance (Key instruments – Piano, Orchestral Instruments, Folk Instruments and Light music and Jazz Instruments), Singing (Popular Singing, Academic Singing and Pop and Jazz Singing), Conducting (Choral conducting) and Music. This paper presents the themes from the diatonic system of Harmony course. The purpose of this work is to come to the aid of the disciples interested in discovering the field of the Harmony in music. Starting with the elementary themes, which explain the principles of building an accord, till the chapter The Diatonic sequences, this work provides the necessary information which will help in developing such skills as: to realize harmonic analyses, to play chord sequences on the piano, also to make harmonisations of melodies.
armonie, sistem diatonic, armonizări, acorduri muzicale
BARBANOI, Hristina. Limbajul armonic al sistemului diatonic: suport de curs. Chişinău: AMTAP, 2023. 96 p. ISMN 979-0-3481-0081-4. ISBN 978-9975-3597-2-6.