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Lucrarea metodică întitulată Claude Debussy – întemeietorul impresionismului muzical include un material didactic care vine în ajutorul studenților pentru a contribui la consolidarea cunoștințelor din cadrul cursului de istorie a muzicii universale, constituind în același timp un suport esențial pentru cadrele didactice.
La elaborarea notelor de curs s-a ținut cont de faptul că materialul didactic propus joacă un rol important în pregătirea profesională a viitorilor artiști și, în același timp, contribuie la formarea lor în calitate de cadre didactice și interpreți ce vor desfășura o activitate pedagogică legată de instruirea muzicală a elevilor și studenților.
Tema propusă face parte din materialul preconizat pentru semestrul VI, include multe informaţii şi noutăţi ce țin de creația compozitorului francez Claude Debussy și se recomandă pentru studenţii anului III de la toate specialitățile Facultăţii Arta Muzicală.
The work entitled Claude Debussy – the founder of musical impressionism includes useful course notes that helps students to contribute to the consolidation of knowledge about the history of universal music, while also being a support for teachers. When preparing the course notes, it was taken into account that the proposed teaching material plays an important role in the professional training of the future artists and, at the same time, contributes to their training as teachers and interpreters who will continue with a pedagogical activity, and will be teaching music to pupils and students. The proposed theme is part of the material planned for the semester VI; it includes a lot of information and innovations regarding the creation of the French composer Claude Debussy and is recommended to students of year III from all specialties of the Faculty Art of Music.
The work entitled Claude Debussy – the founder of musical impressionism includes useful course notes that helps students to contribute to the consolidation of knowledge about the history of universal music, while also being a support for teachers. When preparing the course notes, it was taken into account that the proposed teaching material plays an important role in the professional training of the future artists and, at the same time, contributes to their training as teachers and interpreters who will continue with a pedagogical activity, and will be teaching music to pupils and students. The proposed theme is part of the material planned for the semester VI; it includes a lot of information and innovations regarding the creation of the French composer Claude Debussy and is recommended to students of year III from all specialties of the Faculty Art of Music.
Claude Debussy, impresionism muzical
GÎRBU, Ecaterina. Claude Debussy – întemeietorul impresionismului muzical: note de curs. Chișinău: AMTAP, 2020.