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Notele de curs Realizarea scenariului după un obicei popular vin să completeze sursele
didactice referitoare la una din cele mai importante teme ale cursului respectiv, legată de
finalizarea acestuia, prin alcătuirea scenariului după un obicei popular și montarea scenică a
acestuia, la examenul de licență. Scopul notelor de curs este de a prezenta etapele alcătuirii
scenariului, particularitățile de selectare a repertoriului muzical, de redactare a stilului lingvistic, de structurare a conținuturilor dialogurilor și monologurilor. Un loc important se acordă particularităților legate de manifestarea scenică a obiceiului, simbolisticii mesajelor verbale și non-verbale, comprimării sau omiterii unor secvențe ale ritualurilor, impuse de factorul scenic.
Notele de curs prezintă și câteva scenarii în calitate de model, 3 fragmente (Constituirea cetei de colindători; Împletitul colacilor pentru colindători; Scăldușca – primul scăldat al copilului) și 1 scenariu complet (Șezătoarea de fete) scris de cătrestudenții-absolvenți ai secției Canto popular,ce vor facilita activitatea de alcătuire a acestora, pregătirea pentru seminare și pentru montarea scenică a examenului de licență.
The present lecture notes, Realization of the scenario of a folklore customcompletes the didactic sourcesthat refers to one of most important item of this course, linked by its finality, by realization of a scenario of a folklore custom and its stage set-up, at the license exam show. The main goal of this lecture notes is to present the stages of writing of scenario, the peculiarities of selection of musical material and of editing of linguistic style and of structuration the contents of dialogues and monologs. The author focuses on special peculiarities refers to the scene realization, to the symbolism of verbal and non-verbal messages, to the compression or omission of some sequences of the ritual caused by the scenic impact. The lecture notes presents, as models, a couple of scenario – 3 fragments (The formation of the group of carolers; Manufacturing of a ritual bread for carolers; The first bath of a child) and 1 complete scenario (The get-together of girls), written by the graduate students of the Folklore Canto section. These scenarios-models will facilitate the activities of the realization of this kind of scenario, the preparation for seminars and for stage set-up of the exam show.
The present lecture notes, Realization of the scenario of a folklore customcompletes the didactic sourcesthat refers to one of most important item of this course, linked by its finality, by realization of a scenario of a folklore custom and its stage set-up, at the license exam show. The main goal of this lecture notes is to present the stages of writing of scenario, the peculiarities of selection of musical material and of editing of linguistic style and of structuration the contents of dialogues and monologs. The author focuses on special peculiarities refers to the scene realization, to the symbolism of verbal and non-verbal messages, to the compression or omission of some sequences of the ritual caused by the scenic impact. The lecture notes presents, as models, a couple of scenario – 3 fragments (The formation of the group of carolers; Manufacturing of a ritual bread for carolers; The first bath of a child) and 1 complete scenario (The get-together of girls), written by the graduate students of the Folklore Canto section. These scenarios-models will facilitate the activities of the realization of this kind of scenario, the preparation for seminars and for stage set-up of the exam show.
obiceiuri populare, scenarii de teatru
BUNEA, Diana. Realizarea scenariului după un obicei popular: note de curs. Chișinău: AMTAP, 2021. 34 p.