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Ţambalul este un instrument muzical cu origini străvechi. Există mai multe versiuni despre provenienţa sa. Secolul XX se caracterizează prin apariţia şcolilor naţionale de interpretare la ţambal în mai multe ţări: Ungaria, România, Slovacia, Cehia, Republica Moldova ş.a. La început, evident, la baza creării fiecărei şcoli naţionale se afla creaţia populară, muzica folclorică. Caracterul improvizatoric al muzicii tradiţionale instrumentale este completat şi dezvoltat ulterior prin infiltrarea metodică a tradiţiilor academice. Acest proces creativ a determinat evoluţia şi extinderea universului sonor al instrumentului, conturând caracteristicile unui stil de interpretare individual, inedit. Şcoala academică profesionistă de interpretare la ţambal din R. Moldova este relativ tânără şi se bazează pe metode propuse de personalităţi notorii: V. Vilinciuc, I. Grosu, V. Crăciun, V. Sârbu, S. Creţu, V. Copacinschi, V. Roşcovan, V. Luţă, V. Caşcaval ş.a.
The dulcimer is a musical instrument with ancient origins. There are several versions about its provenance. In the 20th century, national performance schools were opened in several European countries: Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Moldova, etc. At the beginning, obviously, the creation of each national school was based on popular art, folk music. The improvisational character of the traditional instrumental music is completed, further developed by the methodical infiltration of academic traditions. This creative process determined the evolution and expansion of the sound universe of the instrument, outlining the characteristics of an individual, unique style of interpretation. The professional academic school of dulcimer performance from the Republic of Moldova is relatively young and is based on methods proposed by famous personalities such as: V. Vilinciuc, I. Grosu, V. Crăciun, V. Sârbu, S. Creţu, V. Copacinschi, V. Roşcovan, V. Luţă, V. Caşcaval and others.
The dulcimer is a musical instrument with ancient origins. There are several versions about its provenance. In the 20th century, national performance schools were opened in several European countries: Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Moldova, etc. At the beginning, obviously, the creation of each national school was based on popular art, folk music. The improvisational character of the traditional instrumental music is completed, further developed by the methodical infiltration of academic traditions. This creative process determined the evolution and expansion of the sound universe of the instrument, outlining the characteristics of an individual, unique style of interpretation. The professional academic school of dulcimer performance from the Republic of Moldova is relatively young and is based on methods proposed by famous personalities such as: V. Vilinciuc, I. Grosu, V. Crăciun, V. Sârbu, S. Creţu, V. Copacinschi, V. Roşcovan, V. Luţă, V. Caşcaval and others.
ţambal, creaţii de inspiraţie folclorică, asocieri instrumentale
ALEXANDREANU, Anastasia. Aspecte ale valorificării ţambalului în cultura muzicală din Republica Moldova. In: Învățământul artistic – dimensiuni culturale: conf. șt., 15 apr. 2022, Chişinău. Chișinău: Notograf Prim, 2022, pp. 43-47. ISBN 978-9975-84-176-4. DOI: 10.55383/iadc2022.08