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Lucrarea metodică Transcrierea melodiilor instrumentale, Suport de curs la disciplina Practica de descifrări folclorice constituie o parte componentă a Planului de învățământ universitar, la ciclu I/Licență la Academia de Muzică, Teatru și Arte Plastice (AMTAP). Aceasta este axată pe instruirea studenților AMTAP la Catedra Muzică populară (0215.1 Instrumente populare și 0215.2 Canto popular) și Departamentul Muzicologie Compoziție și Jazz (0215.5 Compoziție și 0215.4 Muzicologie) pentru crearea viitorilor interpreți de muzică populară, de asemenea a specialiștilor în domeniul patrimoniului muzical imaterial, direcție actuală importantă și absolut necesară sub aspectul salvgardării și valorificării acestui domeniu al culturii naționale. Scopul suportului de curs este de a trasa repere fundamentale la tema Transcrierea melodiilor instrumentale, necesare pentru transmiterea și însușirea de către studenții de la specialitățile Instrumente populare, Canto popular, Muzicologie, Compoziție a unui segment important din cadrul cursului de Practica de descifrări folclorice; de a înțelege importanța promovării folclorului muzical vocal și instrumental în contemporaneitate prin prisma educației și pregătirii la cel mai înalt nivel profesional
The teaching aid Transcription of instrumental melodies, a Course Support for the discipline Folklore Deciphering Practice constitutes a component part of the University Curriculum, for cycle I/Bachelor at the Academy of Music, Theater and Fine Arts (AMTAP). It is focused on training AMTAP students at the Department of Folk Music (0215.1 Folk Instruments and 0215.2 Folk Canto) and the Department of Musicology Composition and Jazz (0215.5 Composition and 0215.4 Musicology), so as to form future performers of folk music, as well as specialists in the field of intangible musical heritage, - a current, important and absolutely necessary direction in terms of the safeguarding and valorization of this area of national culture. The purpose of the Course Support is to draw fundamental milestones on the subject of Transcription of instrumental melodies, necessary for the transmission and acquisition by students of the specialties Folk Instruments, Folk Canto, Musicology, Composition of an important segment of the Folklore Deciphering Practice course; to understand the importance of promoting vocal and instrumental musical folklore in contemporaneity through the prism of education and training at the highest professional level
The teaching aid Transcription of instrumental melodies, a Course Support for the discipline Folklore Deciphering Practice constitutes a component part of the University Curriculum, for cycle I/Bachelor at the Academy of Music, Theater and Fine Arts (AMTAP). It is focused on training AMTAP students at the Department of Folk Music (0215.1 Folk Instruments and 0215.2 Folk Canto) and the Department of Musicology Composition and Jazz (0215.5 Composition and 0215.4 Musicology), so as to form future performers of folk music, as well as specialists in the field of intangible musical heritage, - a current, important and absolutely necessary direction in terms of the safeguarding and valorization of this area of national culture. The purpose of the Course Support is to draw fundamental milestones on the subject of Transcription of instrumental melodies, necessary for the transmission and acquisition by students of the specialties Folk Instruments, Folk Canto, Musicology, Composition of an important segment of the Folklore Deciphering Practice course; to understand the importance of promoting vocal and instrumental musical folklore in contemporaneity through the prism of education and training at the highest professional level
melodii instrumentale, transcrierea melodiei, descifrări folclorice
SLABARI, Nicolae. Transcrierea melodiilor instrumentale: suport de curs. Chișinău: AMTAP, 2023. 62 p. ISMN 979-0-3481-0084-5. ISBN 978-9975-3597-4-0 (PDF)