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În mediul economic şi educaţional global actual principalele provocări pentru procesul de învăţare pe tot parcursul vieţii sunt: inducerea oportunităţilor de învăţare informală, stimularea învăţării automatizate, acceptarea învăţării autofinanţate, stimularea participării universale la procesul de învăţare.
Dezvoltarea societăţii informaţionale şi răspândirea pe scară largă a tehnologiei informaţiei dau naştere la noi oportunităţi de învăţare, orientează diversele puncte de vedere şi practicile consacrate spre însuşirea eficientă a modului în care ar trebui organizată şi desfăşurată predarea şi învăţarea. În acelaşi timp, globalizarea şi apariţia unor noi oameni de afaceri în economia mondială au intensificat concurenţa, multe ţări îndreptând producţia către produse şi servicii cu valoare adăugată mare, care solicită cunoştinţe profunde şi forţă de muncă de înaltă calificare. Conceptul de învăţare pe tot parcursul vieţii oferă perspectiva unei noi abordări radicale, în special, pentru procesul de învăţământ superior axat pe deschiderea universităţilor tradiţionale pentru cei care doresc să înveţe pe tot parcursul vieţii.
In the present global economic and educational environment, the main challenges for the lifelong learning process are: inducement of informal learning opportunities, stimulation of self-motivated learning, acceptance of self-funded learning, stimulation of universal participation in the learning process. The development of the informational society and the wide-spread diffusion of information technology give rise to new opportunities for learning and they challenge the established views and practices regarding how teaching and learning should be organized and carried out. At the same time, globalization and the emergence of new players in the world economy have intensified competition, many countries turning production towards high value-added and knowledge-intensive products and services which request high-level skills of the labour force. The lifelong learning concept offers the perspective of a radical new approach especially for the higher educational process focused on opening up traditional universities for those who want to learn lifelong.
In the present global economic and educational environment, the main challenges for the lifelong learning process are: inducement of informal learning opportunities, stimulation of self-motivated learning, acceptance of self-funded learning, stimulation of universal participation in the learning process. The development of the informational society and the wide-spread diffusion of information technology give rise to new opportunities for learning and they challenge the established views and practices regarding how teaching and learning should be organized and carried out. At the same time, globalization and the emergence of new players in the world economy have intensified competition, many countries turning production towards high value-added and knowledge-intensive products and services which request high-level skills of the labour force. The lifelong learning concept offers the perspective of a radical new approach especially for the higher educational process focused on opening up traditional universities for those who want to learn lifelong.
învăţare pe tot parcursul vieţii, educaţie informală, nevoi de formare, proiecte de formare continuă
VALUEVA, Marina. Challenges and opportunities for the development of continuous training programs in the compass project (Erasmus+). In: Învățământul artistic – dimensiuni culturale: conf. șt., 15 apr. 2022, Chişinău. Chișinău: Notograf Prim, 2022, pp. 180-185. ISBN 978-9975-84-176-4. DOI: 10.55383/iadc2022.34