ARTA MEDIEVALĂ: suport de curs
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Suportul de curs este destinat studenților de la licență din domeniul de formare profesională – Arte Plastice, de la specialitățile: pictură; grafică; sculptură; design și arte decorative, dar poate fi utilizat și de reprezentanții altor specialități. Lucrarea metodică tratează teme, care corespund curriculei la disciplina Istoria artelor: Arta Romanică, Arta Gotică, Arta Bizantină, Arta Moldovei Medievale secolele XIV-XVI-ce și Arta Rusă Veche. Unitățile de curs prezentate în cadrul suportului de curs Arta Medievală sunt binevenite pentru formarea unei aptitudini ştiinţifice cu privire la istoria artelor plastice și altoirea unei culturi artistice viitorilor profesioniști. Lucrarea dată poate servi ca bază în predarea cursului de Istoria artelor în alte instituţii de învăţământ.
Course support is intended for students from licentiate program, whose main field of study is Fine Arts, especially for the speciality: painting; graphics; sculpture; design and decorative arts, but can also be used by representatives of other specialties. Methodological support deals with topics that correspond to the curriculum of the discipline Art history: Romanesque art, Gothic art, Byzantine art, Art of Principality of Moldavia XIV-XVI century and Old Russian Art. The course units presented in the course support Medieval Art are welcome for the formation of a scientific skill in the history of fine arts and the grafting of an artistic culture to future professionals. The given course support can serve as a basis for teaching Art History discipline in other educational institutions.
Course support is intended for students from licentiate program, whose main field of study is Fine Arts, especially for the speciality: painting; graphics; sculpture; design and decorative arts, but can also be used by representatives of other specialties. Methodological support deals with topics that correspond to the curriculum of the discipline Art history: Romanesque art, Gothic art, Byzantine art, Art of Principality of Moldavia XIV-XVI century and Old Russian Art. The course units presented in the course support Medieval Art are welcome for the formation of a scientific skill in the history of fine arts and the grafting of an artistic culture to future professionals. The given course support can serve as a basis for teaching Art History discipline in other educational institutions.
istoria artei, artă medievală, art history, medieval art
RAȘCHITOR, Tatiana. Arta medievală: suport de curs. Chișinău: AMTAP, 2020.