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Notele de curs Obiceiurile calendaristice de iarnă la disciplina Ritualuri populare reprezintă
sumarul unui modul ce se desfășoară pe parcursul semestrului II, la anul I de studiu. Tematica largă
a acestui compartiment include toate aspectele teoretice ale subiectelor – noțiuni și definiții,
semnificații și simboluri, formele de desfășurare, clasificări poetice, particularitățile interpretării
ș.a. Notele de curs oferă un suport teoretic amplu despre întreg arsenalul de obiceiuri de iarnă
românești: Colindatul, Plugușorul, Sorcova, Semănatulș.a., care se regăsesc și astăzi în practica
interpretativă populară, în mediile tradiționale, Colindatul în ceata bărbătească fiind introdus și în
Lista reprezentativă a Patrimoniului universal imaterial a UNESCO.
Scopul notelor de curs este de a prezenta și o largă bibliografie asupra subiectului abordat,
care include 80 de titluri de studii fundamentale, articole științifice, colecții de folclor care
reprezintă un suport didactic serios care va facilita atât aprofundarea teoretică, cât și activitățile
practice legate de obiceiurile de iarnă românești.
The present lecture notes, Winter traditional customs, represents a summary of the unit that is being studied throughout the 2nd semester of the 1st year. A wide topic of this unit includes all theoretic aspects of items – notions, definitions, meanings and symbols, the ways of conduct of customs, the classifications by poetic contents, the peculiarities of performing and others. The present lecture notes offers a wide theoretic support referring to the full range of winter traditional customs: Caroling, Plugușorul, Sorcova, Semănatuland others that are practiced currently in the traditional environment. Caroling in the young man’s groups was introduced in the representative list of immaterial patrimony of UNESCO. The main goal of the present picture notes is to present also a wide bibliography referring to this subject that contains more than 80 titles, including scientific studies, articles, folklore collections that represents a serious didactic support for theoretic deepening and practical activities linked by winter traditional customs.
The present lecture notes, Winter traditional customs, represents a summary of the unit that is being studied throughout the 2nd semester of the 1st year. A wide topic of this unit includes all theoretic aspects of items – notions, definitions, meanings and symbols, the ways of conduct of customs, the classifications by poetic contents, the peculiarities of performing and others. The present lecture notes offers a wide theoretic support referring to the full range of winter traditional customs: Caroling, Plugușorul, Sorcova, Semănatuland others that are practiced currently in the traditional environment. Caroling in the young man’s groups was introduced in the representative list of immaterial patrimony of UNESCO. The main goal of the present picture notes is to present also a wide bibliography referring to this subject that contains more than 80 titles, including scientific studies, articles, folklore collections that represents a serious didactic support for theoretic deepening and practical activities linked by winter traditional customs.
obiceiri populare, obiceiri de iarnă
BADRAJAN, Svetlana, BUNEA, Diana. Obiceiurile calendaristice de iarnă: note de curs. Chișinău: AMTAP, 2021. 25 p.